Sunday, September 9, 2007

Arizona 2007 Promo/ Preview

So yeah here is just a piece of the Arizona 2007 video. It is a long process so bare with me, I will get it done ASAP. Anyways here's a little teaser to keep you wanting more. I hope you enjoy and let me know what you think...

I miss everyone that went on the trip and all my friends back home. I can't wait to see you all.



Unknown said...

The video is looking good so Jason!!!

X-tina said...

Yay, it's lookin' good! I cant wait until you're finished!

Megan said...

aww Jas it looks awesome. Still kinda bummed that I was not there... next year, maybe! haha

Dan said...

looks great jason! the mewithoutYou clip was perfect for the beginning.

Anonymous said...

the video is stinkin awesome so far! can't wait to see the whole thing. Keep up the good work.
Rachel kronk

Megan said...

I bet you have a soundtrack for your life, or maybe like, the summer 07 soundtrack? haha

Muetteronomy said...

I must second Dan's comment and say that the mewithoutyou song was perfect placement. It's looking so good. Can't wait for the finished product.

lauren said...

that video was great. it was fun seeing a few people and the site where they were at was the one i went to on my frist az trip. kind of sad i didnt get to go this year. i miss you friend.

Megan said...

also, you can play the random 8 game, even though i did not tag you. pretend I tagged you. and then tag lauren and tony or dan. cuz i am interested in what they have to say! haha