Sunday, September 30, 2007

A scare with the Arizona 2007 Video...

Hey, well just a random update on the Arizona Video...

Some unfortunate events happened, (well actually one) my computer, which I've only had for a month crapped out on me. It wouldn't turn on. I thought it crashed and I lost all my information. It ended up spending 8 days at the apple store getting fixed until they ruled it was just the power supply. I have my computer back and all the info is still in tack. This caused a major delay in the editing process so I will get back to it as soon as I can.

The estimated release date is Nov. 1st

This will be hard to get done but I hope I can. I hope all is well and I'll talk to you all later.



Muetteronomy said...

Praise God everything was still in tact. I'll be praying you don't get too stressed out from everything. Sounds like you have a lot on your plate. From the video you posted, I know you're doing a great job. Keep your head up friend!

X-tina said...

I'm so excited about the video! I'm sure its going to turn out so great. Keep up the good work!